Walking without touching the ground

Walking without touching the ground

Modernity is obsessed with trying to define the good life. “What is happiness? What is meaning?  Am I living my best-life?” The hope is to come-up with a precise and easily measurable answer that we can put in a box and tie-up with a bow. Our desire for certainty is...
The Other Half of Life

The Other Half of Life

I recently learnt that there is more genetic difference between two groups of chimpanzees from the same region, than there is between two humans from Western Europe and East Asia. This is quite astonishing when you think about the incredibly different lives humans...
On instinct and intellect

On instinct and intellect

Why do we love animals so much? They are unapologetically and unselfconsciously so utterly themselves — something we humans rarely, if ever, manage. This is true even of dogs, who desperately try to please their masters, having lost their independence through...
Personal mastery is not about control

Personal mastery is not about control

There is an erroneous view that personal mastery is about controlling feelings and emotions. But, seeking to control only makes you more out-of-control. Mastery lies in being willing to experience ALL that you feel. By being open to all emotions, you avoid becoming a...
Tempted by new gods

Tempted by new gods

In a world of information complexity and so much noise, it is tempting to cling to something, anything. An idea, a narrative, an ideology. Yet, it is precisely because of the noise that we must keep an open mind. That we must embrace uncertainty, or at least...
The Gateless Gate

The Gateless Gate

I was having a coffee locally next to an outdoor artwork of a free-standing door. A door, which if it was closed, might make you believe that your path was blocked. It made me think of how so often, we stand in our own way — how we create a gateless gate.  Wumen...