The less you take for granted, the more joy you will find in the everyday. Even things as certain as the sun that shines can be marvelled at, for it is really quite remarkable — it makes all life possible. There is so much to be appreciated, but so little appreciation...
Many of us ask ourselves what we can learn every day. But, how often do you ask yourself what you can unlearn? The value of learning is self-evident, except when what you learn is not very useful, but that’s another topic. What is far less obvious is the power of...
Relying only on a single metric to evaluate something is almost always a bad idea. Single metrics inevitably fail to capture the many different aspects of a situation. They can so easily make us focus on one thing to the exclusion of everything else. However, when it...
There are many kinds of prison, but none more tormenting than the mental prisons we put ourselves in. Mental prisons that feel as real as those made of bricks and bars. That feel equally difficult to break out of such that you become a prisoner of your own mind. The...
Governments are starting to talk about exiting lockdown. But, what about your lockdown exit strategy? I am not talking about the essentials of mask wearing and avoiding gatherings. I am talking about what life you decide to go back to in the coming weeks and months....
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