Our power to change

Our power to change

What is the key to personal change?  As I dwelled on this somewhat tricky question, I recalled the words of Huineng, the 7th century zen master who spoke of “self awakening to self nature” and “sudden practice with sudden awakening”. What...
Why we elevate narcissists to power

Why we elevate narcissists to power

It is a sunny afternoon as I write today, but I am feeling a little low after reading about recent political demagoguery both at home in the UK and abroad. The question that keeps coming back to me in all of this is: Why do we keep elevating narcissists to positions...
Mindfulness: Becoming a fad?

Mindfulness: Becoming a fad?

I was first introduced to mindfulness as a young boy growing up in Sri Lanka, and I can tell you that being asked to sit for hours in the lotus position and focus on your breathing is simply not fun, particularly when you are seven! Even as a child, I intuitively knew...
Why we fail to change: Lessons from a Nobel laureate

Why we fail to change: Lessons from a Nobel laureate

I first had the opportunity to hear Daniel Kahneman speak in a cramped lecture theatre. This was when I was a fresh faced economics undergraduate grappling with the ideas of so called human rationality. Now reading Kahneman’s latest book, Thinking Fast and Slow,...