Your beliefs are everything

Your beliefs are everything

The deeper beliefs behind our actions are often hidden away, outside our task-oriented conscious awareness. Yet, your beliefs drive so much of what you do. Living in the unconscious, your beliefs determine the very fundamentals of how you view yourself and the world...
The story you believe about yourself

The story you believe about yourself

The more you become invested in some idea of who you are, the more difficult it is to learn and to grow. There’s you and there’s the story you believe about you. And, the two are not the same. Partial The stories we often tell about ourselves are very rudimentary....
That dress is not for cycling in

That dress is not for cycling in

“That dress is not designed for cycling in” shouted an adult minding a little girl who had decided to have a go on a bicycle in the park. And her response, “I know”, as she confidently rode on, was just perfect. I chuckled to myself as I walked...
Just because it’s offered

Just because it’s offered

I was on the London underground this afternoon and noticed how so many people read unsavoury tabloid newspapers just because they are handed out free.  It made me think of how we can so easily lapse into passivity in different areas in our lives. We don’t always...
Are you trapped in your own mind?

Are you trapped in your own mind?

As human beings in the 21st century, we very much dwell in the realm of thought. We harness the power of our minds to evaluate, analyse and make complex decisions. The human mind is an incredible gift, yet it can deceive us with limiting beliefs if we are not careful....