Are you inviting trouble?

Are you inviting trouble?

When we talk about the art of influencing and effecting change, people often explore how words and actions have impact. Much of the discourse is around what can be said and what actions can be taken. And, indeed these can be useful interventions. But, what I want to...
Give yourself a chance

Give yourself a chance

People can change and do change. Adaptability is one of the defining features of our species and it is this supreme adaptability that creates the possibility of significant personal change. Reframing for possibility I see people grow and change time and time again in...
Change: Reversion to the mean

Change: Reversion to the mean

We are barely into 2017 and personal change initiatives are already losing steam. I’ve noticed the new year fitness group in the park already beginning to lose people. New habits take time to develop and supporting ourselves during this process is vital....
The coach as the embodiment of change

The coach as the embodiment of change

We will often move in and out of different roles when we coach, depending on the specific needs of the client. What I want to explore today is the role of the coach in embodying the very change that the coachee is seeking, so that it may be experienced...