Make the most of this time

Make the most of this time

So, you are self-isolating because of Coronavirus. It may be hard, but you now have time that you never did. Time that was so scarce because of work, the commute or other day-to-day pressures, but that is finally available. And, you can make the most of this time! To...
Protect it with your life

Protect it with your life

Follow your interest. See where it takes you. Go down rabbit holes and see what you uncover. Don’t be limited by the course or the institution. Don’t settle for the sterility of the mundane, if you crave for something more interesting.  Make the time Remember that...
Problem with authority?

Problem with authority?

I sometimes work with people who come to me saying that they think they have a problem with authority. Some of these situations remind me so much of how I felt before I decided to take the leap to live the independent life. I see two classes of ‘problem’...
The living Rorschach test

The living Rorschach test

We often prioritise the acquisition of knowledge about the world —what we can learn about something and how it will be of use to us in pursuing our goals. But, how often do you stop to really listen to yourself? To explore your relationship with the person that you...
Thoughts on a virus

Thoughts on a virus

As coronavirus makes its way into London where I live, I am struck by a number of things about how we as a society are responding, both at the individual level and at the level of government. What strikes me most is what I feel to be both a lack of rigour and a lack...