Adding value, or stroking your ego?

Adding value, or stroking your ego?

Each one of us wants to feel like we are adding value, both in the workplace and beyond. Whenever we make comments, suggestions and criticisms, there is very likely an inner voice spurring us on to this end — to add value. But, what if sometimes you are not adding...
As above, so below

As above, so below

When faced with difficulties within an organisational team or with a particular individual, you may be tempted to look for the cause where the symptom appears. You have to remember though that often problems have a wider context. You have to consider that the...
Everyone is a person

Everyone is a person

The pressures of modern work life can sometimes cause you to reduce people to numbers. To reduce your customers, colleagues and stakeholders to faceless entities. You may forget that actually everyone is a person. Anonymity The pressure to get financial results can...
The art of being concise

The art of being concise

Rambling on in speech or in prose is never pleasant. As listeners, we want people to get to the point. And, as speakers, we want the ability to offer them just that! Being concise is an art. It is the ability to distill the essence of anything into simple, yet...
Year end reviews: Can we do better?

Year end reviews: Can we do better?

Many of you have probably just been through year end reviews. It is that moment when shoulders drop, sighs are let out and heads sag at the prospect of completing, collating and delivering feedback. Having been privy to numerous year end review processes, it is fair...