It’s that odd period between Christmas and new year when everything is a bit slow. The in between time with fewer meetings, emails and telephone calls. What an opportunity this is to take a step back and consider what’s important to you.

Using the in between time

Too often we can get caught-up in the ‘doing’ and hasten to make new year’s resolutions or to set goals that we have not fully thought through. Sometimes we can forget to take the time to unwind and approach things with a clear mind.

This in between time gives us the chance to engage with our plans perhaps with a bit more focus and energy. It allows us to get into a zone where we are not rushed.

Soon, we will be back to our busy work routines. That might mean little time to focus on you and what you need. Change does not fall out of the sky. You have to take the time to fully immerse yourself in exploring the change and growth that you seek.

So, if you’ve scribbled down notes and ideas throughout the year, now is the moment to dig them out. Now is the time to ask yourself if they were just casual musings or in fact the seeds of a new beginning.