Adding value, or stroking your ego?

Adding value, or stroking your ego?

Each one of us wants to feel like we are adding value, both in the workplace and beyond. Whenever we make comments, suggestions and criticisms, there is very likely an inner voice spurring us on to this end — to add value. But, what if sometimes you are not adding...
Don’t become an android

Don’t become an android

Recently, someone invited me to a social thing that I didn’t want to go to. Luckily, I was coaching that afternoon, so I replied that I was “working”. However, I hesitated momentarily mid-sentence, which made my genuine excuse seem like a falsehood. But, what really...
Know your USP

Know your USP

The question of USP is usually quite apparent when dealing with a physical product or a commoditised service. Identifying a USP can however be more elusive when you are the “product”. By this I mean being involved in creating and offering something that...
Are you hiding behind your business card?

Are you hiding behind your business card?

The question of skill is fundamental to how we feel about what we do. Skill takes time to develop and is often the result of a deep interest in something that draws us further. When we have the opportunity to benefit from the halo effect of an established brand...